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Culinary Explorer Club goes to Tuba Baking

Do., 18. Juli


Tuba Baking Co.

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Culinary Explorer Club goes to Tuba Baking
Culinary Explorer Club goes to Tuba Baking

Zeit & Ort

18. Juli 2024, 19:00

Tuba Baking Co., 517 6th Ave, Dayton, KY 41074, USA

Über die Veranstaltung

As part of our culinary exploration, we are visiting different restaurants & bars and Tuba Baking is on our list.

It’s the season to visit the “Tuba Brezel Garten” and try some of their Dishes and Desserts.

Please RSVP, so we know if we need to reserve / hold some tables.

Diese Veranstaltung teilen


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